八达通汽车服务(大连)有限公司(BDT Car Services)是经市交通局批准、市工商局注册的正规企业。 作为一家充满朝气的公司,我们积极借鉴国际成熟市场成功的汽车租赁与管理模式,并结合中国客户的消费习惯,为广大消费者及企业提供汽车租赁、企业车务管理、代办与代驾、汽车美容及汽车用品等完善的配套服务。公司将于2014年8月迁往大连保税区4S店集群。 我们将为客户提供最为科学、专业、优质、高效的服务。
BDT Car Services (Dalian)Co.,Ltd.(BDT Car Services) was established in Dec, 2013, which is a regular enterprise with the approval of Municipal Road Transport Bureau and register of Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau. As a vibrant company, we had learned from successful car rental and management mode of international mature market, and combined with consumption habits of China customers, in order to provide car rental, enterprise vehicle management, car consultancy service and designated driver service, car beauty, auto supplies sales and other perfect supporting services. Our company will be moved to 4S store clusters of the Dalian Bonded Area in Aug, 2014.We will provide customers the more scientific, professional, high quality, efficient service in future.
公司理念 Philosophy
We are not managers, we are specialists who devote ourselves to provide services and solve problems for customers.
公司使命 Mission
Cost savings and meet demands for customers
公司愿景 Vision
To be the customers' first choice of car service brand.
核心竞争力 Core Competitiveness
Provide you the most safe and comfortable business car service.
Own the Administrative and logistics management talent who worked in the Fortune 500 company.
Any Time:提供24小时企业咨询与保障服务。
Provide business consulting and support services during 24hrs.
Established the more strategic partnership with other large-scale car rental companies.
We are dedicated to providing company car and shuttle bus services. To solve the enterprise company car and shuttle bus demand. We will provide you with free road rescue, drive services, inspection services etc. At the same time also for employees to provide car rental and rent to the purchase of preferential policies.
Concentration makes profession! BDT car services making life leading every better.
别克英朗 三厢/1.6自动